Amazon Smile


Do you shop on Amazon?
Bnos Menachem has partnered with Amazon Smile!
Shop with Amazon Smile and a percentage of your total purchase will be donated to Bnos Menachem School.
Now you can give Tzedaka while you shop – at no additional cost! 
Follow this simple 4-step guide below for a one-time set up.


STEP 1- Go to and log in to your amazon account.

STEP 2- Choose Bnos Menachem Inc. as your charity. You will then see "Supporting: Bnos Menachem" on the top left of the screen as pictured below.
 STEP 3- Install the Amazon Smile plugin on your internet browser by clicking on one of these links: Link for Firefox, Link for Chrome, Link for Safari.
For mobile devices, please follow this link for instructions.
STEP 4-  To confirm the plugin is running properly, go to After a few seconds you will be redirected to You should see "Supporting: Bnos Menachem" on the top left corner of the screen.
Please repeat these steps for all your devices (computers, phones, office devices, etc.) We encourage you to set it up for your parents/grandparents and relatives as well.
By taking the time to follow the above steps, you will be making a huge difference to our school. Please use this free opportunity to support Bnos Menachem!
With much appreciation,
Bnos Menachem School for Girls