RESIZED FOR SITE school photo

Bnos Menachem School for Girls is the unanimous choice for parents seeking a level of education above the ordinary.

Our Mission

Infusing leadership with Torah and chassidic values is the mission of Bnos Menachem. As daughters of the Rebbe, each student is dedicated to transforming her home, her community and her world into a place of G-dliness and good.

Latest News

Chof Beis Shvat

Our girls enjoyed a wonderful Chof Beis Shvat program today!   We put on our special tags, and headed down to the Razag, together with the other divisions, for a Bnos Menachem Family Farbrengen!  Torah, Tefillah and Tzedokah and a story of the Rebbetzin’s strength, started our program.  It then featured a game using our fun…
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Creative Math Learning

The girls in elementary are learning math in a fun, interactive and creative way! They used their math skills to beat the clock and escape the room! They also learned about geometry by having a shape scavenger hunt in the park, and crafting polygon robots!
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Chidon Test #3

Wow! we are so proud of the girls from grades four through eight who took the third Chidon test! Each girl who took the test received a beautiful leather Tzedakah pouch with the Chidon Symbol on it. Every free moment was used to work hard and learn Sefer Hamitzvos. The knowledge they gained is tremendous,…
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Reviewing our Milim and shorashim

Wow! We are so proud of our students in Grades 2, 3, 4 and 5! Since the beginning of the year, every class did a thorough review of last year’s Chumash Milim and Shoroshim. The older grades spent time strengthening their Leshon Hatorah skills, too!  Following that, every class had a turn to play their…
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Bnos Menachem School is a proud recipient of the Fund for Jewish Education, sponsored by:
